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Mandatory Reporting Laws Meant To Protect Children Get Another Look

The state is looking at ways to weed out false reporting of child abuse and neglect as the number of reports reaches a record high.

Genetics Studies Have a Diversity Problem That Researchers Struggle To Fix

Researchers in Charleston, South Carolina, are trying to build a DNA database of 100,000 people to better understand how genetics affects health risks. But they’re struggling to recruit enough Black participants.

Tire Toxicity Faces Fresh Scrutiny After Salmon Die-Offs

Tires emit huge volumes of particles and chemicals as they roll along the highway, and researchers are only beginning to understand the threat. One byproduct of tire use, 6PPD-q, is in regulators’ crosshairs after it was found to be killing fish.

FTC Chief Says Tech Advancements Risk Health Care Price Fixing

Technological advances including the widespread use of algorithms make it easier for companies to fix prices without explicitly coordinating, Lina Khan said at a KFF event.

Biden Administration Sets Higher Staffing Mandates. Most Nursing Homes Don’t Meet Them.

The staffing regulation was disparaged by the industry as unattainable. Patient advocates say it doesn’t go far enough. Labor unions welcomed the requirement.

Weekly Podcast

Too Big To Fail? Now It’s ‘Too Big To Hack’

Daily Cartoon

‘Walk-In Clinic’

Used with the permission of Tim Oliphant. Cartoons are the property of their respective artists and are subject to copyright laws. Do not reproduce or redistribute this cartoon without permission of the artist.

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